Homepage > (un-)Official Projects

Terrible Scientific Methods

All of my long term projects, reaching from creative (my attempts at knitting) to a bit more elaborate experiments (like JugendForscht) I hope you'll have fun clicking through! (;

Inwiefern korrelieren gemessene Konzentrationen an Ionen in lokalen Steh- und Fließgewässern mit den dazugehörigen Wetterdaten. Es musste leider viel zensiert werden (will ja nicht, dass jeder Heiopei weiß wo ich wohne...) Bei Fragen: E-Mail!

A Drop Too Much? A long term study of the local river

Private Projects 2022-2023

Do you ever watch a TV-series and stop midway through, because your brain has latched onto a minor detail that's in the frame for less than 10 seconds and then you accidentally get tipsy? No? Just me? Well, here's a report...

Connor Roy's Choice of Beverage in Succession S4E02: An Essay

April 4th 2023

Recently, a specific TikTok account, as well as another YouTuber, have simulated Rock, Paper, Scissors in a destruction-based computer model. Now, I too am meddling with the idea. A report can be accessed here.

Rock, Paper, Scissors -- a Computer Simulation

Private Projects Dec. 2022 (aborted)

Oh boy what a title. "Manipulation des Brandverhaltens von Epoxidharz" as the original was called, was my project for JugendForscht 2022. It was certainly the biggest project to date, spanning two years and two JuFo projects. The paper I had to write for it can be accessed here!

On the Manipulation of the Fire Behaviour of Epoxy Resin

Jugend Forscht 2022

"Herstellung und Untersuchung von Mikrokapseln" was the predecessor project to "Manipulation des Brandverhaltens von Epoxidharz", in which I made myself familiar with the process of making micro-capsules (or at least I tried to LOL). It was my entry for JugendForscht 2021. The paper I had to write can be accessed here!

Fabrication and Examination of Micro-Capsules

Jugend Forscht 2021