Homepage > Literature

Rounded button saying "writing" Welcome to: Fictional People Village!

Population? Me. Not to be like that, but I believe that creating stories is one of the central clauses of human experiences.
My favourite story telling mediums are: Theatre and poetry <3

Most frequently updated litature page! By and large poetry nowadays, but this section used to feature descriptions as well as snippets and writing challanges - take a look!


ca. 2020 - ongoing

Rambling about the Kulturpass, dies das Ananas. You know how it is - take a look!

What went wrong with the Kultupass

Rambling, 03.11.2023

I am a bit obsessed with some of the works listed here. Not all are fiction, not all are books - have a look!


Screaming, biting, throwing up, some of these are so good!