Homepage > Interests Galore

Welcome to the reorganisation!

I'm hopeful that I'll have enough motivation to finish this project while making it at least half-way decent...
Click your way through the topics I wrote something about! 🖝 Newest article 🖜

Currently Online:
  1. How To: Save An Entire Field of Biology
  2. More to come...

About Marine Life

Topics: Cephalopods, biofluorescence, the deep sea, sharks, etc.

Currently Online:
  1. Trans, But Not Trapped!
Works in Progress:
  1. Maths as a social subject
  2. Selbstdarstellung/Individualleistung

About Society

Topics: Transsexuality/Transgenderism, self-conception, identity and capitalism!

Currently Online:
  1. How Long Is A Beer Head Supposed To Last?
Works in Progress:
  1. What type of drinking glass/window are you? (a quiz)

About Glass

Topics: Windows and drinking glasses, mostly, but maybe a dive into possible job options too!

Works in Progress:
  1. Rating transmission towers by how close they come to God.
  2. A Collection of Death Machines (all types of nuclear power plants, collected and sorted!)
  3. More to come...

About Physics

Topics: Electricity, nuclear physics, man made horror and maybe magnetism, if I can be bothered

Currently Online:
  1. Tigs' List of Music
  2. Tigs' List of Words

Ongoing Lists

Topics: Music and words, currently!