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september storms

the first love that i fostered
carried me for years

say i fell in love on halloween
her eyes resting on my shoulder

i’d like to say that my love was like
the first midnight storm in june
that i used to watch on the balcony

hot and strong, fleeting and electrifying. sudden,
awaiting the ozone aftertaste
like love at this age is supposed to be

it wasn’t, though.
instead, i loved her like september air
strong and suppressive
like lingering warmth seeping from the late afternoon
into the early night

the first love that i fostered
i carried for years with me

sustaining the doubt
of unbelieving youth
i am in love with her!
for i will spend the day licking
sugar-stricken lips
and thinking about the strawberries in her yard.

i saved my love from drowning thrice
the icy water prickling my skin still,
every touch feels like glaring white streaks
punching through pitch-black
yet it’s as warm
as the yellow headlights of our car
illuminating the way home

and even if i fear
i am certain.
for, if i won’t love her soon
i will in another lifetime.