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Short Stories

“Marlin and how to catch one”
Short Story; English; Very early stages of development

  • Thema: Pip meets Marlin at his first summer job - disemboweling herring in the cruel afternoon sun on a fishing boat. It drives Pip mad. Her taciturn manners, the stench of the fish, the sunburn and the missing girl from the town over. A retelling of the summer of 2018.


“Memoirs of an Unsuccessful Woman”
Play; English; Currently in development (~60%)

  • Topic: It's Heather's last gig on earth - she knows this, has made the deal years ago. Now, on her last days she seems to be getting sentimental as she takes hitchhiker after hitchhiker into her car, unaware of how special they really are. With the big resolution hanging over her head at all times, she should be allowed a bit of fun once in a while, right?

“Tarek Dingerle's Bureau of all Affairs” (working title: Advice Guys)
Play; English; On hiatus

  • Topic: Three friends, meeting regularly in the basement of their uni's library, offer their advice for a small contribution, because you'll never know! Maybe the reason for your failing marriage isn't the lack in communication, but a much more sinister reason...

Theater; Deutsch; Momentan nicht in Arbeit

  • Thema: Ein Gespenst geht herum am Unicampus. 35ยฐ, Klimaanlage lange schon defekt, Wasserspiegel rรผckgehend, Miete steigend. Alle beginnen im Fieberwahn zu halluzinieren. Der Campus wird zum Schlachtfeld. Und mittendrin Amal, den das Gespenst auch heimsucht. Eine Geschichte von der politischen Utopie nach Tigoteus.

“Montana, My Love (Working title)”
Play; English; Not currently in development

  • Thema: After a necessary rebranding, the Sunburst Center for Medical Care Montana holds a turbulent nursing fair. Missing booths, terrible organisation, underprepared interns and a missing blood sample. Farzanah Esmaeili, the much-hated but wickedly genius nurse, sees a way in this fair to clean up her reputation.