Homepage > Creativity!

Creativity in a lot of unorthodox forms!

Background-image ID: Picture of a malard duck standing on a roof. End ID.
Below, you will find some projects I've worked on in the past year:

1. - a sixgill's lovebite

Do you ever feel like all you do is rip yourself apart in forming yourself? Yea. CW: for medical environment, slight body horror and deep sea creatures.

2. - MOURN ME!

Personal (kind of vent) comic on identity. CW: for (animal) death and blood. Also purple prose LOL...


Ewig alte Collage über Nachbarschaft (wer hätte das gedacht) und Nähe.

4. - Assortments of Animations

Snippets from and AMV that my friend Meer prompted - it's about Star Wars, because of course it is XD. -> STRONG FLASHING WARNING